The Philosophy of Quality
Quality constitutes an everyday priority and part of our culture, infusing all our activities, from product and service development, the relationships with our suppliers, customers and partners, to our operations and continuous improvement. We adopt the Total Quality Management approach, with the aim of ensuring good business results, on a stable and permanent basis.
Info Quest Technologies is one of the first Greek IT companies to acquire the international quality certification ISO 9001. Today, the company holds the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, the Environmental Management Certification ISO 14001:2015 and the Information Security Management Certifcation ISO 27001:2013.
In addition, the Company has assigned to a certified by the Ministry of Environment, external partner, to verify the Carbon footprint data, in accordance with the requirements of the National Climate Law. The certification is taking place yearly and for the 2023 measurements was made in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2019 for Scope1 & 2, meeting the requirements of ISO 14064- 1:2018.